
Launch – Sat 13 July 2024

The launch will be at the Amherst launch site. ———- Forwarded message ———From: Chris Pearson notra@earthlink.netDate: Thu, Jul 11, 2024, 8:20 PMSubject: NOTRA Research launch this Saturday is a GO! Plus NSL East Update! The...

Launch – Sat 15 June 2024

Neal Bade’s LOC NORAD ignites its Aerotech F40 on a high-power launch pad on 15 June 2024 at Amherst launch site. Photo credit: Katie Lane Amherst Launch Site Info From: Chris Pearson notra@earthlink.netDate: Wed,...

Website Moved onto WordPress

We’ve moved the website onto WordPress, a web content management system. This will make it faster & easier to post updates. That means timely information for our members, and more of it.